Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy 2011 - New Beginnings

This is my first official blog entry!  I have tried in the past to use a blog, failing miserably due to various reasons.  Lack of discipline, lack of interest, my dog ate my get the idea.  A good friend of mine is a blog king and LinkedIn guru.  He faithfully puts up a wonderful blog every week!  I don't know how he does it but he is my inspiration for starting my own and sticking with reasons are threefold.
  1. I think it is a great way to share ideas and otherwise worthless information, such as my attempts to avoid all carbohydrates and failing at that miserably as well...
  2. My work is in a fairly, shall we say, obscure field, sooo not many people writing about what I do
  3. I feel a need to communicate the information on my field of work in a straight, to the point, non airy fairy, ceiling surfer kind of way therefore opening communication to people that have never even burned a single stick of incense, nor plan to....
So what is it that I do you ask? 

I am a Reconnective Healing Practitioner Mentor in Edmonton, Alberta Canada.  The same province that is currently buried under tons of snow, has world class beef, oil, and the largest population in Canada of Newfoundlanders, other than ummm..... in Newfoundland.  We have partiality to indoor heating, any kind of sport you can play on skates, any sport you can fight in on skates (or fight in period), coffee we don't have to mix ourselves, and a disturbing fascination with Walmarts (we haven't had them all that long).

There are not alot of Reconnective Practitioners in my neck of the woods and even fewer that are at the level of practice that I am.  There are two of us only, my friend Kirsten is an Associate Instructor in Calgary and I'm 3 hours north, a Mentor.  That's it, that's all.  There are more and more practitioners starting to take their training and learn about this work, but we need many more and I'll tell you why.

Reconnective Healing is quickly becoming a highly researched and popular form of "alternative healing".  Being  frequency based makes it different off the mark, as it is not considered an "energy healing" modality, but how it "behaves" and works with the clients and practitioners is what makes us sit up and take notice. 

  1. Anyone can learn this work - over a weekend and achieve the same level as our instructors/teachers
  2. It is in it's infancy, it's new - barely 20 years old- but available to us now at this point in our evolutionary history, discovered in 1993 by Dr. Eric Pearl
  3. It is not expensive to learn - it is not hard to learn - very simple
  4. The frequencies are palpable and easy to feel
  5. Children as young at 4 years of age can learn it and facilitate healing in their own right
  6. The frequency continues to evolve with us as we learn and assists us through our life on every level
  7. Healing from contact with the frequencies have been reported from every corner of the globe - Healing from cancer to depression to Cerebral Palsy - some in a matter of minutes
  8. It is becoming a worldwide phenomenon, studied by the University of Russia, University of Arizona, Dr. Bill Tiller (What The Bleep Movie), featured in The Living Matrix movie (2009) and has assisted Olympic Athletes
  9. The clients display what we call "registers" when coming into contact with it, various involuntary eye movements, muscle movements and sensations.  These are usually only associated with REM sleep cycles, not while someone is awake.
  10. The overwhelming response from people saying that their lives continually improve and change after coming into contact with it, even briefly
I could spend hours making a list on why Reconnective is gaining steam and turning heads, but I have to leave more to write about in my future blogs or you are going to be stuck reading about my on going battle with my dogs' ear infections.  Ok, that might sneak in from time to time, it really is driving us nuts!  Bottom line, this work changes lives, assists with healing from disease and imbalance and is simple to work with.  Lord knows we are all in huge need for health and healing at this point in our history.

A Reconnective Healing advocate I my own practice, in teaching other people how to do this work when I'm on the road at seminar, or doing public presentations for the non-incense burning folk.   It is my passion and I will enjoy writing about it for anyone who would like to follow my blog and lend an ear, or eyes in this case.

So here is to a great 2011 everyone!  I look forward to connecting with you all.  My goal is to offer even a smidgen of information that you or someone you know may find useful, and that may even change a life.

All my best,

Chandelle MacMillan
Practitioner Mentor
Evolve Wellness Consulting

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