Saturday, January 8, 2011

What is on your reading list?

Happy Monday!

As I'm sure many of you are aware, Monday's tend to suck.   At least that has been the common agreed emotion since time began.  There has been poetry, songs and newscasts completely dedicated to the fact that "Monday's suck".  I am going to put my self out on a limb and say that I officially LOVE Mondays!  At least that is what my new book inspired behavior is telling me to do!!  OUT is the loathing to get out of bed, pulling the pillow tighter over my head to effectively drown out my alarm, and hitting the snooze button so many times I'm getting a callous....IN is the energetic, take on the week and reach goals attitude!

I, like many of my friends, have been living a semi-dedicated following to the ideas and concepts behind "The Secret" craze of 2006 and prior.  We have been basking in the warmed over, newly packaged spiritual  information out there, hanging out in metaphysical book stores and discussing a movement to ban ALL Tye dyed clothing (seriously, I'm going to start a petition!).

Rhonda Byrne, the driving force behind "The Secret" book and movie has come out with another book, if you do not know this already.  It is called "The Power" (Atria Books 2010).  Sitting on my bedside table for well over a month, I had not even looked at it.   I had assumed it would be the "new" version of "The Secret", lacking any updated, tantalizing new info.  Yes, like it's predecessor it focuses mainly on the Law of Attraction, which we can probably all recite in our sleep, but I am happy to say, I have learned new stuff!  It really is a sweet little book and I am applying some of the concepts immediately to goals that I have for myself for 2011.  The biggest lesson that I'm taking away initially from this book is my ability to engage love whenever possible, and in every situation, and to use my ability to "feel" goals into materializing.  Her message is clear....

You want results?

Be aware of how you are speaking and thinking every minute.  Those are what attracts EVERYTHING to you!

Whether your thoughts and feelings are good or bad, they return as automatically and precisely as an echo.

People that have great lives think and talk about what they love more than what they don't love!

How you feel about each subject in your life is an exact reflection of what you have been giving out on each subject.

I was floored again when I looked at my current situations with my company's progress, relationships, BILLS...I am on a mission to change those things.  Currently I'm doing my best to manifest an object,  something very unique in my life.  If it shows up, you will all hear about it.  It is my current test!

This is just what I have picked up through the first few chapters.  Wow, does it make you take a good look at your responsibility in everything you have created.  I have alot of work to do!

I will share more as I get through the chapters, but if you don't want to wait for me, pick up a copy of the book!  Or better yet, pick it up for a loved one, or someone really struggling right now, it will make a difference for them, even a small one is positive.

"Even if you just give 51 percent good thoughts and feelings, you have tipped the scales of your life!!" - Rhonda Byrne

Try an experiment this week.  Really listen to everyone that you come into contact with, how they talk, the words they use, how they use them.  It's amazing to me when I listen to people, how much their words reflect their lives, relationships and health!

Have a great week everyone!

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